Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Tangling with Grandma

My mother recently visited us, traveling from Texas to Connecticut for a week.  We did many of the usual summer things--swimming, movies, sailing--but we also tangled in the cool indoors.  My mom loves to tangle, spending a few hours most days learning new tangles and creating beautiful tiles; she also attended the Zentangle retreat at Kripalu with me in the spring.  While she was here, she poured over my Zentangle books, picking up a few new tangles and techniques.  She especially liked "lace," seen at the bottom of the bottom tile.

She also encouraged us to create a single family mosaic, made up of four different tiles with a connecting string tangled by each of us.  I think they came out pretty well.

I think she plans to frame and display them at home.

One of the last things we did was decorate some of the new official Zentangle pouches I'd gotten for us (look for these on soon; I believe they are currently available only to CZTs.)  I prepped the nude canvas with Mod Podge Fabric and we each tangled our own with an Identi-Pen.    

See, hers has the lace again!  My daughter tried it, too.  And I'm still playing with floatfest and Rubenesque.  It was a memorable souvenir for a great visit.

Happy tangling!

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